
What's happening at The Grange!

Through The Granges design, The Bistro, Public Bar, Sports Bar and Tab have all been separated so whether you're there for a quiet drink, a family meal or enjoying a punt at the tote we have a special environment to cater to all our customers needs.

Come and check out The Grange today, you won't be disappointed.

Music Trivia is Back!

1st Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm

It's Only Rock'N'Roll Music Trivia! Test out your Rock knowledge hosted by Jonny. Located in our function room, Ring 4328 4933 to book a table, Rock in with your friends and family, Roll on in for Dinner before hand.

Prizes to be won!

What's On

Sunday once a Month, 2:30pm to 5:30pm

Live music in the courtyard of The Grange Hotel.

Enjoy summer afternoons with family and friends, listening to live music from various artists each fortnight. Lounge Bar open, Bistro open for light snacks, cake and coffee.



Throughout the year The Grange will host a variety of events, coming up this December we have Rock God Concert. Keep an eye out for more events

Had a great afternoon... Feed and a few ales in the sun... Local muso belting some tunes out... Bar staff were very friendly and happy, nice to see... cheers

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